Virgin Launches Space Tourism

Over the past few years, Virgin Galactic has been working on the world’s first spaceline. Led by billionaire maverick Richard Branson and tech developer Burt Rutan, Virgin has announced that tickets will be sold for $200,000 per passenger. The first planned space tourism from Virgin is expected to be launched in 2012. According to the company, most individuals (who can pay the hefty price tag) will have the ability to take the flight without exhaustive or time consuming pre-flight training. It’s expected that only three days of pre-flight preparation will be required.
richard-branson-virgin-galactic.jpg Richard Branson, Virgin Galactic © Sygyzy

It’s not surprising that this development comes from Richard Branson. An innovator and adventurer, Branson is always living on the edge. Though it will be a select group who can afford the trip, it’s fascinating to see the innovation that was necessary to complete this project. It will also be interesting to see how this development is addressed by groups who support green initiatives.

If cost wasn’t an issue, would you be interested in going on their first trip into space?

Feeling adventurous? Read about scuba diving in an affordable paradise.
gennaro-salamone-photo.jpgGennaro Salamone is the founder and editor of Enduring Wanderlust. Feel free to contact him with questions, comments, or inquiries with reference to contributing a travel article or photograph for publication.


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  1. Would I want to go if price wasn’t an issue…yes! To be honest, I’d be very nervous about being on one of the first few flights, but it sounds amazing. 200k? I wonder how many takers there will be at that price tag.

  2. I love Branson. That guys the best billionaire around. Strikes me as a regular guy who lives as though each day counts. I guess it’s easy with that kind of money, but others in his position seem stuffy.

    I’d be on that first flight. No doubt 🙂

  3. @Sid

    I’m with you. I’d be a little nervous, but it would be hard to say no.


    I like Branson too. He’s like a kid in the candy store. All the time.

  4. Seems like perfect escape from daily troubles 😉
    While it is great to see the progress in the space landscape I’d rather prefer tackling few issues that bother me down here on mother earth 😉

  5. Can you spare me $200,000? Branson is a classic character! Have you read about one passenger’s rant about a disappointing experience on Virgin Atlantic flight from London to Mumbai (or maybe vice versa)? Hilarious!

  6. @Alik

    That makes a lot of sense. It is a lot of investment in recreation when there is lots to do down here.

    @jen laceda

    I wish. He is quite the character. Haven’t read, but will check it out.

  7. That will probably awesome. And I would go. I do wonder how much energy those flight will take, but I’m guessing there will be very few of them.

  8. Damn straight I would travel to space. But can they first work on better air travel on earth?


  9. @Lisa

    It’s not “green” that’s for sure.


    Agreed that work on regular air travel could use some work. Hopefully, Branson has his eye on that too. Though Virgin does a pretty good job.

  10. I’m game. Sounds like a lot of fun. Branson marches to the beat fo his own drummer.

  11. Hmm … even if I had the money I don’t think I would want to do it. There is so much I haven’t seen down here.

  12. I am not surprised that Branson would be the one to introduce space travel to the rest of us. He strikes me as someone who loves life and wants others to have the same experience as he. Come to think of it, $200,000 is not a lot compared to what the Russians have been charging. However, even though Branson isn’t charging that much, I don’t have that kind of change to spare at the moment.

    I wonder how NASA is handling the idea.

    Thanks for another cool article, Gennaro! 🙂

  13. @Sheena

    I don’t think there is another Branson around.

    @Kim Woodbridge

    Good point about all the things to do on earth.


    Thanks. A lot less than Russians though they were going a lot further into space than this trip. Interesting point about NASA.

  14. Nice write up.

    I have Richard Branson’s “Screw It, Let’s Do It, Lessons in Life.’

    I like his attitude and values. I think you nailed it with “innovator and adventurer.”

  15. @J.D. Meier

    Thanks. He’s an interesting fellow. Read it too. Good read.

  16. Oh most definitely I would take that offer up. Not at 200k mind you. How much would you be willing to pay for this once in a lifetime experience?

  17. @Nik

    That price tag is surely for a select few that doesn’t include me, but I’d be intrigued to do it. At what price for me? That’s a tough question. Not sure. Yourself?

  18. Hmmm, I’m gonna give a cop-out answer and say “depends on how financially stable I am at that particular point in time”. Ha~! But if you were to offer me right now then my “bid” would be a lowly 5 to 10k?.. that’s really all I can afford for this “extravagance” and especially so considering that it’ll be just a short trip.. tho it would indeed be spectacular..

  19. @Nik

    That’s fair on your part. Makes sense. I keep thinking that for whatever I’d pay it would be better to use those funds to travel to different countries on earth 🙂